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August 14, 2020If you’ve been searching for a long-term, reliable solution to your missing teeth, dental implants could be the answer! We know that having missing teeth has a significant impact on a person’s oral health as well as their self-esteem. Missing teeth raise the risk of gum disease, tooth movement, and further tooth loss, and unfortunately, can make a person less likely to be successful.
For these reasons and more, our Grant Park dentist offers dental implants to her patients. We certainly believe dental implants are worth the time and money it takes to have them.
Continue reading to learn more so you can make your own decision about this incredible tooth-replacement option!
Who is a candidate for dental implants?
Dentists determine dental implant candidacy based on a few things:
- Jawbone density
- Oral and overall health
- Lifestyle
Dental implants take on the role of the tooth root, meaning they must be able to insert into the jawbone. If a patient’s jawbone has diminished too much, other tooth-replacement options may be a better fit. The dentist could also recommend bone grafting to increase the jawbone density.
During the initial consultation, dentists also check for cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems. These need to be treated before moving forward with the dental implant procedure.
Chronic diseases, smoking, and alcohol abuse may also make a patient unsuitable for dental implants.
Additionally, patients must consent to endure the 6-18-month process of having the implants and restorations placed.
It comes down to this: any patients with good oral and overall health who is willing to take on the responsibility is a candidate for dental implants.
How successful are dental implants?
Dentists consider dental implants to be successful when they last for more than ten years without failing or causing oral health problems.
According to the Journal of International Society of Preventive & Community Dentistry, 90-95 percent of dental implant placements are successful. This is attributed to the skill of the dentist, the biocompatible material used, and the patient’s oral hygiene practices.
Most dental implant failures are avoided when dentists do their due diligence in determining a patient’s candidacy.
What are the pros and cons of dental implants?
Here are four of the greatest dental implant benefits:
- Restored strength and function: Dental implants are the only tooth-replacement option that reinstates the tooth root. Because of this, patients can chew as if their natural teeth were still in place.
- Aesthetics: Along with looking, feeling, and functioning like natural teeth, dental implants also look extremely realistic.
- Jawbone density: As soon as a tooth goes missing, the jawbone begins to deteriorate. However, when the tooth root is replaced, a process called osseointegration begins and the jawbone naturally regrows. This creates a stronger bond between the implant and jawbone and restores facial features.
- Durability: Dental implants are the most permanent tooth-replacement option available. As long as patients apply good oral hygiene habits, the implants can withstand almost anything that the natural teeth can.
Though dental implants are considered the best tooth-replacement option by most dentists, they aren’t perfect. Here are some of the drawbacks of dental implants:
- The long process
- Possibility of infection (rare)
- The possible need for additional procedures
- High cost
Schedule Your Initial Consultation
Compared to other tooth replacement options like dentures and dental bridges, we conclude that dental implants offer the most benefits. If you’ve come to that same conclusion, contact our Grant Park office today at (404) 328-7177 to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Abbey Lee.